My own journey with grief included moments of storytelling, ceremony and comfort from those I loved. However, there were also many times where I was confused, angry, and very much alone. I learned to feel ashamed of my grief and to hide it from others, believing that I would be rejected or abandoned if I showed them how much I was hurting. In attempt to survive I suppressed my grief and masked to nearly everyone in my life, including myself. Thus, my grief kept me in a place of isolation and began to manifest in panic attacks, fatigue, sickness, and over-working.
In the years since experiencing this deep grief, I have found healing in sharing with others what those times were truly like for me. Art became one of the languages I could communicate with, along with movement and sound making. In a synchronistic reconnection to my lineage, I found that my Irish and Highland ancestors used to participate in grieving ceremonies called Keening (Caoinadh). These ceremonies were sacred and offered a cathartic release for the family and community of the deceased. Usually led by an older woman, she would lament the loss of this life, tell the person’s story, and then cry, using her voice to lead the spirit safely to the Other World while giving a voice to the people’s own despair. Grieving was therefore public, loud, and collective. Quite different from how it is treated in dominant society today.
Our modern world, impacted by colonial efforts to erase traditions, have disconnected us from our emotions, our bodies, and each other. This grief circle is using elements of Keening and expressive arts to reclaim, reconnect, and remember our birth right of grieving together.
Regardless of your background, this circle is open to anyone and all. I will facilitate the group through an art project where you will make a small card, like a Tarot card, representing your journey with grief. We will then embark upon a gentle process that uses elements from traditional Keening practices to connect with our own body, voice, and emotions using music, vocals, and movement. Finally, there will be the opportunity for people to share what pieces of grief they are bringing with them to the circle, and how it moves through them throughout our time together.
The suggested price is $30, although no one will be turned away for lack of funds. If the amount is unavailable to you at this time, it is PWYC (pay what you can). It can be e-transferred to:
(Please note your name in this e-transfer, as sometimes people use different names than their bank.)
Registration: e-mail me at
What to bring:
- Ensure you have a private space for this event, as this can support the grieving process
- A small bowl of water
- A candle with either a lighter or matches
- A scarf or light blanket (optional)
- Art supplies of your choosing for the art project
- A stone, crystal, or gem that will act as an anchor for you during this circle
I am indebted to Jude Lally, a generous and wonderful teacher who is leading the way in reclaiming the traditions of Keening and helping others learn as well. It is a tremendous gift to learn the traditions of my ancestors. Thank you. You can find more of her work at: